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Violence Prevention
and the Latino Population:


by Pedro Antonio Noguera, Ph.D.

1. National Research Council, A Common Destiny (Washington, D.C: National Academy of Sciences, 1980) p.460

2. Hirschi, Travis, Causes of Delinquency (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1969) p. 69

3. Shair, Donna and Rosenshwaike, Ira "Violent Deaths Among Mexican, Puerto Rican and Cuban Migrants in the United States" in (Journal of Social Science and Medicine, 1988).

4. Ibid p. 468

5. Data collection on the Latino population is made extremely difficult due to discrepancies in the ethnic designation of Latinos. Latinos can be identified as members of almost all ethnic groups due to the use of the term to designate nationality, race, culture and language group.

6. See Meier, Kenneth and Stewart Joseph, The Politics of Hispanic Education (Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1991) p. 180 for a discussion of school drop-out rates and school punishment for Latino students. See Shair and Rosenwaike for a discussion of accidental death rate among Mexicans.

7. Smith, Neil and Williams, Peter Gentrification of the City (Boston: Unwin Hyman Ltd., 1986) p. 19

8. Simms, Margaret and Malveaux, Julianne, Slipping Through the Cracks (New Brunswick, Conn.: Transaction Books, 1987) p. 141

9. Ibid. p. 155

10. Jankowski, Sanchez Martin Islands in the Sun (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991) p. 25

11. Katz, Michael The Undeserving Poor (New York: Pantheon Books, 1989) p. 218 - 237

12. Merton, Robert On Theoretical Sociology (New York: The Free Press, 1967) p. 118

13. Moore, Joan, Homeboys: Gangs, Drugs and Prison in the Barrios of Los Angeles (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1978) p. 38 - 43.

14. Ibid p. 84

15. Ibid p. 121

16. Hayes-Bautista, David "Latino Adolescents, Families, Work and the Economy: Building Upon Strength or Creating Weakness?" p. 3

17. Ibid p. 4

18. Ibid p. 6

Published in In Motion Magazine December 7, 1996.