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This In Motion Magazine column of articles is co-edited by Roberto Flores. Some of the articles are in English and some in Spanish.
Feature articles:

From Disillusionment and Abandonment to Autonomy:
Zapatista Bilingual Indigenous Education
in Chiapas, Mexico
A Case Study in Alternative Meanings of “Development”
by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Decreto del Pueblo P’Urhepecha (en español) 136K

Lo que’l Vagabundo Significa Para Mi
What The Vagabond Means to Me

Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Autonomy and Participatory Democracy:
An Ongoing Discussion on the Application of Zapatista Autonomy in the United States
Interview of Roberto Flores and Greg Tanaka
by Peter McLaren

The Fourth World War
by Subcomandante Marcos
Translated by irlandesa
La Realidad, Chiapas, Mexico

La cuarta guerra mundial
por el subcomandante Marcos
La Realidad, Chiapas, Mexico

National Autonomous University in Mexico City (UNAM) striking students' organic relationship to the EZLN
Global neoliberalism prompts global organic relations and responses
by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Interview with artist Jose Ramirez
-- Contemporary Latino life in Los Angeles --
Los Angeles, California
(cross-referenced from the Art Changes section)

From Mapping Environmental Racism to Mapping Self-determination:
A Road Map to Community Autonomy?

by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Full list of Autonomy: Chiapas-California articles:

Introduction to Autonomy: California-Chiapas

Cerro Hueco y la lucha por la transición democrática
(In Spanish)
Javier Berdegue Elorriaga,
San Cristobal de las Casas,
Chiapas, Mexico

La Transición: Continuidad o Ruptura (In Spanish)
por Javier Berdegue Elorriaga,
San Cristobal de las Casas,
Chiapas, Mexico

The Significance of the San Andres Agreements for Civil Society
by Javier Elorriaga,
San Cristobal de las Casas,
Chiapas, Mexico

Part 1 - New Forms of Making Politics

Part 2 - New relationships in the community, in the municipalities, in public policy
Part 3 - Towards the Strengthening of Collective Rights

An Analysis of Evolving Zapatismo,
from the "Join us" of January 1, 1994 to the "Let's construct" of 1996
by Javier Elorriaga,
San Cristobal de las Casas,
Chiapas, Mexico

From Disillusionment and Abandonment to Autonomy:
Zapatista Bilingual Indigenous Education i
n Chiapas, Mexico
A Case Study in Alternative Meanings of “Development”
by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Lo que’l Vagabundo Significa Para Mi
What The Vagabond Means to Me

Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

National Autonomous University in Mexico City (UNAM)
striking students' organic relationship to the EZLN
Global neoliberalism prompts global organic relations and responses
by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

From Mapping Environmental Racism to Mapping Self-determination:
A Road Map to Community Autonomy?

by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Community Autonomy:
The El Sereno community in Northeast Los Angeles

Aiming to rebuilt society from the bottom up
Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Breaking the Ideological Hold:
Zapatista Response to Mexico's Bilingual Program in Chiapas
(Two part series)
Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Autonomy: Empowerment for Profound Structural Change
Lessons from the Zapatista autonomy process
by Roberto Flores,
Los Angeles, California

Zapatistas in Mexico City to promote the Indigenous Bill of Rights
Photo Essay by Danny Turner-Lloveras
Mexico City, Mexico

The Fourth World War
Subcomandante Marcos
Translated by irlandesa
La Realidad, Chiapas, Mexico

La cuarta guerra mundial
por el subcomandante Marcos
La Realidad, Chiapas, Mexico

La "H" Tiene La Palabra
(y, como muda, la cede a la huelga)
Subcommander Marcos
Chiapas, Mexico

Communique to the UN Human Rights Relator
A communique from Subcommander Marcos
Chiapas, Mexico

To Mumia Abu Jamal from Marcos of the EZLN
A letter from Subcommander Marcos
Para Mumia Abu Jamal de Marcos of the EZLN
(In Spanish)

Chiapas, Mexico

Mexico, 1998 / Above and below: masks and silence
Communique from Subcommander Marcos
Chiapas, Mexico
(Translated from the Spanish by Irlandesa for Nuevo Amanecer Press)

Part I.
Mexico, the middle of 1998...
Part II. Masks and the silence from above
Part III. The Mexican Federal Army: Between Angeles and Huertas
Part IV. The masks and the silences of those from below
Part V. The seven victims of the new government strategy in Chiapas
(An interruption) Stories of the Little Horse of the Sea
Part VII. The seventh mask and the seventh silence

Autonomy and Participatory Democracy:
An Ongoing Discussion on the Application of Zapatista Autonomy in the United States
Interview of Roberto Flores and Greg Tanaka
by Peter McLaren

Mexican Military enters Roberto Barrios in the North of Chiapas
by J.F. Ri,
San Cristobal de las Casas,
Chiapas, Mexico

The Army sets up another camp in San Pedro Nixtalucum-Zapatista territory
A Pattern Emerging of a dirty war in Chiapas
- Parallel PRI and PRD governments - (Human rights delegation visits Chiapas)
by Beto del Sereno,
San Cristobal de las Casas,
Chiapas, Mexico

"Never again a Mexico without us."
On the Importance of the Permanent National Indigenous Congress -
A Report on an interview with EZLN Sub-Commander "Marcos"
by Beto del Sereno,
San Cristobal de las Casas,
Chiapas, Mexico

Booted Across the Border
Mexico Deports Three Americans for Alleged Subversion
by Michael Simmons
Los Angeles, California

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