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Story in Art and Mediation

References and Footnotes

Alice Lovelace
Atlanta, Georgia


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1. For a copy of the Critical Response Process contact Alternate ROOTS, 1083 Austin Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30307.

2. Reagon (1990) is a folk-art specialists and founding member of Sweet Honey in the Rock an award winning female accapella group.

3. The quote is from Samuel W. Lewis, President of the U. S. Institute of Peace, in the Foreword to John Burton's (1990) series on Human Needs Theory.

4. From a phone conversation with John O'Neal in October 18, 1997. Draws from conversations at Alternate ROOTS annual meetings and by phone (1995-1998).

5. Stan Gentle in a lecture to Cohort 5 at Antioch University during summer session, July 29-August 16, 1996.

6. I was given some pages from a publication titled Preview (1997) during my visit to Tulsa. I am quoting from the few pages in my possession.

7. My primary storyteller in Tulsa was Georgia Williams, Director of Community Programs for the Tulsa Arts and Humanities Council. Georgia worked in Tulsa twelve years until she relocated to Oklahoma City to work with the Oklahoma Arts Council.

8. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1983), 2nd edition, unabridged, reports that the word sooner came into use around 1885- 90 and has come to mean "a person who gains an unfair advantage by getting ahead of others" (p. 1820)

9. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1983) defines a memorial as "a written statement of facts presented to a sovereign, a legislative body, etc., as the ground of, or expressed in the form of a petition or remonstrance" (p. 1199).

10. Ellsworth (1982) reports the writer of this vicious pseudo history book was Madison Grant. He describes Grant as being totally ignorance of black history. The Passing of the Great Race has been called the "central intellectual inspiration for the white racism of the 1920's" (p. 20).

11. According to Ellsworth (1982), this article was the most useful of those in national periodicals. The article The Eruption of Tulsa was published in Nation, CXII (June 29, 1921). "White, who at the time served on the national staff of the NAACP, traveled to Tulsa incognito to investigate the devastation" (p. 146).

12. This statement is written in materials distributed by The Greenwood Cultural Center. I picked this information up during my visit in Tulsa.

Published in In Motion Magazine January 9, 2002.

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